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10 funny insurance commercials 2023



As an incredibly competitive industry, funny insurance commercials are a great way to ensure a company stands out. Some companies that have used this tactic are Allstate, Progressive and GEICO. Anyone who watches TV knows them from their ads.

Young woman laughing. Source: Getty Images.

Funny insurance commercials are a powerful tool insurance companies use to stay on top of their game. They know to use famous characters such as Dean Winters and Stephanie Courtney to deliver their message in a practical but wonderfully comic manner. Making people laugh has become one of the top aims of insurance companies’ advertisements. Read on and enjoy as we delve into the ten funniest insurance commercials.


10 Funny insurance commercials

According to a recent study, the average attention span for an ad is eight seconds. However, if you are watching something that makes you laugh, it is bound to be memorable. A considerable part of these commercials is to improve the brand image as well as the brand recall. Insurance companies have the perfect way of capturing audiences’ attention.

Allstate’s Teenage Girl in Pink Truck commercial: Mayhem man series

In this ad, Dean Winters is a ‘teenage girl’ who receives a text when a different girl gets romantically involved with a guy she admires. She gets emotionally compromised and hits a parked car with her pink one. Afterwards, she flees the scene after causing damage. The commercial ends with the catchphrase, ‘Nobody safeguards you from Mayhem like Allstate’. The Mayhem Man commercials saw Allstate sales increase by 4.3%.

State farm helium commercial

In this hilarious commercial, actors Aflamu Johnson ‘Mike’ and Danny Gonzalez, are stuck in traffic due to a fallen helium truck. In his normal voice, Mike had been speaking to a State Farm agent about the fender-bender. When they leave the car, their voices become high-pitched due to the leaking helium. They go on to have fun with their helium voices before help arrives.

The State Farm Insurance ad is one of the best insurance commercials. It boosted the company’s popularity because fans absolutely loved the advertisement. It uses the tagline ‘Here to help life go right’.


Liberty Mutual Double Dutch commercial

This Liberty Mutual ad features kids playing. They engage in Double Dutch while singing in a Liberty Mutual count jingle. They estimate how much money the company can save you for customized car insurance. The three kids use that count to jump rope, and they count till they grow old with grey hair.

Although slightly exaggerated, it efficiently shows how much Liberty Mutual can help you save. The funny auto insurance commercial ensures customers only pay for what they need.

Geico’s Happier Than a Witch in a Broom Factory Commercial

This insurance commercial begins with continuous laughter that rings through a broom factory. A witch is using all the brooms at her disposal and flying around on them. One of the factory workers contemplates confronting her about it. His colleague joins him as they perform a song about GEICO Insurance. They use the catchphrase ‘Happier than a witch in a broom factory’ to show how potential GEICO customers could be if they switch to using the company.

Progressive Rate suckers commercial

Being a family company, Progressive Insurance commercials are based around family. For instance, in this ad, kid actor Carlos Torres is driving around with his dad, who is a lousy driver. Suddenly, zombie-like rate suckers start patching themselves onto their car. Eventually, they meet a Progressive agent who helps them get rid of these rate suckers by giving the dad a snapshot. She clarifies that impaired driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of the driving population.

The General Auto singing commercial

The ad features prestigious basketball player Shaquille O’Neal. It is focused on General Auto’s exceptional savings on insurance covers. In the commercial, the player is singing. General Auto conceptualizes how he is saved from humiliation when his singing turns melodious. Throughout its 60 years, it featured a different ad from the usual animated ones involving The General.

Nationwide Accident Forgiveness Commercial

This humorous insurance commercial features a guy driving into a parking lot and scratching a car as he squeezes in. As he proceeds to apologize to the owner of the vehicle, an old lady, she flies into a rage and begins hitting him with her purse. The poor driver tells her it is an accident amidst the beatings. Nationwide Insurance talks about their forgiveness accident cover, urging that ‘Nationwide is on your side’.

Travellers rattlesnake commercial

In this 30-second commercial, a rabbit comes face-to-face with a rattlesnake. After careful scrutiny, the rabbit breaks into uncontrollable laughter upon the realization that the rattlesnake’s tail is a rattle toy. Travellers use the opportunity to tell the audience they should ensure their insurance covers the proper repair, not an alteration. They use the tagline ‘close enough is just not good enough’.

Esurance- Sorta Mom (2015)

Lindsay Lohan stars as a reckless driver in this simple performance. Esurance delivers their ‘pay for exactly what you need’ message, not a version of it. The ad also features two little boys waiting for their parents to pick them up from school when the ‘sorta mom’ shows up. As an insurance company, they highlight the importance of choosing estimable personalities as actors in insurance commercials.

Farmers Insurance: Are you covered for this? (2016)

In this light-hearted Farmer’s Insurance commercial, J.K Simmons expertly gives a visual representation of expectation versus reality in insurance. He shows how you would think you are covered for a simple car crash but not in the case of irreparable ones. J. K. Simmons has been the face of numerous Farmers Insurance commercials.

Fast facts about funny insurance commercials

Why are insurance commercials funny?

Humour is often the best way to capture people’s attention. Therefore, most insurance companies looking to make an impact have resorted to humour.

How do I write an insurance ad?

An insurance ad needs several simple steps for an effective ad. They include using the right platform and words and providing a call to action.

What insurance company has mayhem?

Allstate Insurance produced the Mayhem series. Renowned actor Dean Winters starred as a teenage girl.

Why are there so many commercials for insurance?

There is a lot of competition in the insurance industry. Therefore, it prompts companies to produce trendy and recent insurance commercials that will stick in the mind of potential clients.

Funny insurance commercials, 2023, especially, have proved to boost the popularity of an insurance provider. It all comes down to the concept and the actors used. It is one of the best methods of advertising.


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